Comments on: Sex, Stories, and Power Trips Fresh Voices and New Writing From and About India Sun, 20 Oct 2013 11:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: ruchika Sun, 20 Oct 2013 11:36:00 +0000 “I believe that a country’s development hinges more on the liberation and empowerment of half its members than on the presence of a Starbucks on every corner” loved it.

By: Venu Thu, 26 Sep 2013 08:30:00 +0000 It’s going to take a very long time for our countrymen (and women) to accept the reality that rampant crimes against women are an indication of our deep set complexes, and has nothing to do with Indian culture. Even the judgment in the Delhi rape case had to rely heavily on the evidence of extreme brutality to declare it “rarest of rare” and thereby warranting the death penalty. What does it mean? Rape sans extreme brutality is less of a crime? No sir, that’s not the answer. If the judgment was meant to act as a deterrent it should have simply read – if you rape, you die! period.
