Comments on: Bollywood’s Bad Girl Problem Fresh Voices and New Writing From and About India Sun, 04 May 2014 20:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: julie Sun, 04 May 2014 20:49:00 +0000 “Oh, and I need to wipe my sexual ledger clean, somehow.” I heard they have an operation for that… invented for rich Saudi women. ))
btw, sort of on point (and I need to get it off my chest), some time ago (around the time of this article?) I ran across a short article in The Times of India (w/pic) re Hrithik Roshan, and how his favorite “possession” was his wife Susanne. My hackles were raised, so I commented (quite eruditely and certainly nothing censor-able I thought) that I was surprised The Times would refer to women as chattel, especially considering the beating India had taken recently in the international media regarding it’s overall antiquated and disastrous attitude about women and that it should, considering its possible influence, take a more proactive role in changing attitudes or at the very least, not continuing to perpetrate the stereotypical. My comment was barred. I know, the endemic nature of the issue is no surprise to anyone. but I did boil for a bit, and I’m half way around the world under a palm tree. thanks for listening.

By: Nishita Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:06:00 +0000 Haven’t seen any of these movies and now I know why. My blood was boiling at these hackneyed plots just reading this article.
