Comments on: Book Review: Reflected in Water Fresh Voices and New Writing From and About India Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:12:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: A Bag & A Book #2 : Destination Goa - Pagdandi Bookstore Cafe Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:12:14 +0000 […] From Nisha Da Cunha’s insidious, evocative tale of a tradition where the women never leave the house and don’t know unhappiness because they had nothing to contrast it against to Mario Cabral e Sa’s resurrection of the first Portuguese women to come to Goa; from John Huygen van Linschoten’s account of a sixteenth century murder, which he thought would be “good to set it downe in large, that hereby men may better perceyve the boldnesse and [filthie] lecherous minds of the Indian women” to Sonia Faleiro’s portrait of a man, Outkast D’Souza who is acutely sensitive to sound, smell, colour, and touch, but is unable to comprehend reality, the book weaves together a cascade of narratives about people who have walked these shores. […]

By: Keim Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:38:00 +0000 What stunning prose!
