Comments on: Dirty Linen Fresh Voices and New Writing From and About India Tue, 02 Nov 2010 10:39:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pothead Tue, 02 Nov 2010 10:39:00 +0000 Does this website actually encourage misinformed sarcastic collations of information ripped out of news reports and other blogs?

By: akshay Mon, 01 Nov 2010 15:36:00 +0000 The games were stupid. All that money could have been better spent. It was even more stupid to have it in Delhi, which is a cesspool of corruption, and a quagmire of non-accountability. Next time, give it to Hyderabad or somewhere where things work. Or better still, keep it away from India until we can feed our hungry millions instead of wasting thousands of crores on second-rate athletes.

And the writing’s not too bad.

By: Sneha Mon, 11 Oct 2010 05:57:00 +0000 One more thing – I am not criticizing ‘India’, my dear cousin. Why would I have anything against her? I am trying to point out the inadequacy of the present government and all their committees. I am not exactly a Congress-person, so forgive me, if you are. Other than that, all was said in a lighter vein. Perhaps, as you say, I would perceive a different situation if I were in Delhi itself. Perhaps.

By: Sneha Mon, 11 Oct 2010 05:49:00 +0000 All critique taken. Still find it funny.

By: Annoying Geek :) Sun, 10 Oct 2010 23:39:00 +0000 Hi,

Arawn here. You know who I am. Don’t know if you read the comments, but here’s my two cents.

To be honest, I like the article’s style. The writing is good – sarcastic and witty. However, as has been pointed out, it’s misinformed. Or, perhaps, mistimed.

Although the Games were heading for a fiasco, we did a great patch up job at the last minute – every Indian learns that art through school and college exams – and now it seems to running well. We even got the Army in, and they know their stuff. Also, the absence of some big name athletes is nothing to be worried about since, as has also been pointed out, the CWG is more of a proving ground for the unknown to launch themselves than a gala event.

That said, I agree that it was a mistake to host this event, but not because of failing or succeeding at it. I simply feel that for a nation like India any non-regular sporting event(regular would be tennis, golf, motorsport or any other yearly, fixed events unlike the FIFA World Cup or Olympic Games held at a different place each time) is a meaningless extravagance that isn’t worth the money spent on it. But that is a different argument for another time. It’ll just divert from the issue here.

Perhaps you should be a little more humble in expressing your opinion on what ALL of the indian youth think. Then again, that’ll probably detract from your writing style. Just pick your issues, judge and time them properly and be more factual next time. Look forward to critiquing you in future, princess…:D
