Comments on: CD Review: Sarkarsm Fresh Voices and New Writing From and About India Tue, 06 Nov 2012 16:15:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debarun Sarkar Tue, 06 Nov 2012 16:15:00 +0000 FACEPALM.

By: Seething4vengeance Tue, 25 Sep 2012 11:15:00 +0000 RATM? Does the reviewer even listen to Punk ? I severely doubt that. 
The “Riot Peddlers, like every other band in India, will have to play the same four or five venues in the same five or six cities if they are to ‘tour’ and ‘establish’ themselves. What’s so punk about that? ” …

The album has BALLS and stands out like a fuckin’ thorn amidst the so-called mainstream pop culture.

By: Rishusin Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:57:00 +0000 neeharika palaka, reading your “cynical critique” was quite barf worthy. thanks but no thanks. and yes, fuck joyce manor whoever the fuck that is. :)

By: Recidivist Tue, 25 Sep 2012 10:09:00 +0000 “The good thing about the Riot Peddlers is that all three of them are very good musicians who’ve listened to enough Rage Against the Machine to pull off a decent rendition of the same.” This sentence makes everything else you say redundant. I really don’t get why people can’t differentiate between 80s hardcore and 90s punk-metal. RATM is not hardcore, it’s not even punk. Riot Peddlers have nothing to do with RATM. At least you didn’t mention the Sex Pistols, so saved yourself some points for that. Also, Joyce Manor might be fun, but they’re essentially 90s alt/pop-punk. Why would you plug them in a review about a HxC band? 
